Copywriting or the art of writing TOP to make people buy from you

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If you have a business, you already know: it's not enough to have a good product. What you need is for people to buy it. And this is where copywriting comes into play. But I don't just mean writing copy that sounds good. I mean writing copy that connects with your audience and motivates them to take the next step: to contact you, to subscribe, to buy. To take action.

At ORIGENWe believe that copywriting combines creativity and strategy. Yes, it has an artistic component, but it is also a science. It's not just about writing beautifully; it's about writing in a way that resonates with the mind and heart of the reader. Because well-chosen words generate trust and awaken desire.

Today I want to share with you some tips that we have learned along the way, based on psychology and years of marketing experience. Here are 10 practical tips that you can start using to improve the way you communicate with your customers. And, of course, we'll give you examples so you can see how to apply them.

Use the active voice (today, tomorrow and always).

The active voice generates closeness and action, while the passive voice can create distancing. Look at these examples:

  • Active voice: At ORIGEN we create websites that enhance your business..
  • Passive voice: The web sites that our company creates will boost your business..

The first sentence is more direct and easier to understand. The clearer your message, the better the response.

2. Avoid words that no one understands

Don't complicate things. If your customer doesn't understand what you're offering, he probably won't buy it. Don't get technical, that doesn't sell. Instead of talking about "advanced technology", talk about what the customer will feel or gain:

  • "This mattress will make you wake up pain-free and with the energy of a 20-year-old.".

To see it, to feel it, to love it.

3. Benefits = clear examples (no beating around the bush).

Want the customer to believe it? Give them examples they can visualize. Stop talking about "high quality" and be concrete:

  • "This product lasts 10 years without losing efficacy.".
  • "This website will take your business from anonymity to the first page of Google in 3 months.".

When you give him clear figures, he can't hesitate. He sees it and buys it.

4. Put it on stage

Make the customer imagine already using what you are selling. Use the conditional "if" to make them see themselves inside the movie:

  • "If you hire our web design service, how do you think your business will change in 6 months?".

You have visualized yourself with a new website, growing, generating more sales, haven't you? That's how the brain works: it accepts the condition you give it and projects itself into the future, evaluating the scenario. And this is not magic, it is pure psychology.

5. Negative words, don't touch them.

When you use negative words, your customer shuts down. Don't tell him what he should NOT do, tell him what he SHOULD do. Instead of "Don't lose this offer", say:

  • "Take advantage of this offer before it runs out.".

You've already taken it straight to the positive realm, to the action you want. This way you create urgency, not rejection.

Here are some examples to make it clearer:

  • Our product does not damage the hair / Our product strengthens hair.
  • You will never want to stop using it / You will want to wear it all the time.

Change the negative for positive and you will see how your message has more strength.

6. Connect ideas (and don't bore them).

The trick is to connect the sentences as if they were a moving train, one after the other, without derailing the reader. If each sentence goes its own way, the customer gets lost. But if you use connectors like y, o, but, because, o althoughyou make me read on almost without realizing it.

And do you know what the most powerful connector is? The "because". The reason is simple: people want to know why things happen, they look for justifications. So, if you give them a reason, it will be much easier to convince them. Look at this example:

  • "Our service is fast because we know that time is money. In addition, we guarantee you results in the shortest possible time.".

The customer keeps reading because everything flows.

Here are some more examples:

Without connector: Cream X reduces dark circles and wrinkles. It contains vitamin C that acts on blemishes and firms the skin.

With connector: Cream X reduces dark circles and wrinkles because it contains vitamin C, which minimizes blemishes and firms the skin.

Notice the difference? The "because" changes everything. Don't leave any loose ends, tie ideas together with connectors and you will see how your copy becomes much more persuasive.

7. Order the words, make it sound good

This is almost a magician's trick. When you write a slogan, put the words in alphabetical order. Why? Because it sounds better, and when something sounds good, the customer associates it with quality. Example:

  • "Activate your business, create your future"..
  • "Enjoy the moment."

You won't notice it, but it will stick with you.

8. Give him the power (but guide him)

People don't like to be told what to do. If they feel you're pressuring them, they'll send you packing.

Make him feel in control. That the decision is his and his alone. You give him the options, but without pressure. This way you will influence much better, because he won't feel obligated to do anything. Instead of saying "This web design is for you"better say:

  • "Only you can decide if our web design is what your business needs.".

You give him control, but you are guiding him to what is in your interest.

9. Deeds, not words

Look, everybody says that their product is the best, most reliable, safest... and you know what? Nobody believes it. So forget about those direct phrases that only generate distrust. Customers are smart, and the more you try to convince them how good you are, the more they doubt.

What to do then? Let them come to the conclusion that you are the best. How? By showing facts. Endorsements, certifications, achievements... Anything that shows, without saying it outright, that what you do is real quality.

  • "At ORIGEN, our websites get the best scores in Google's speed test, ensuring you optimal performance."

That is more credible than saying "we are the best web designers in the market, we have 40 years of experience".

10. Use popularity (even if it is small).

If only 15% of people use your product, it doesn't matter. Talk about how that number is growing and how more and more people are choosing it:

  • "More and more businesses are relying on our web design to grow online.".

The customer does not want to be left out of the trend.

Bonus: Rhetorical question, the master stroke

Rhetorical questions are a brutal psychological trick. You don't expect an answer, but you get the customer into the game. Look at this:

  • "If not now, when?".

Boom. There you have it thinking.

Grandma's little gift

You know that in ORIGEN we deliver more than we offer (like our grandmothers). So, in addition, we present you with a list of 10 stirring phrases taken out of the hat of the Copywriter Isra Bravo that will help your sales message:

  • "We don't have to explain anything to people, we have to make them feel it. People don't want explanations, they want emotions".
  • "They can copy our products, prices, colors, our way of writing, but they will never be able to copy our history.".
  • "SSubscribing is free. Unsubscribing, too".
  • "To find out what hurts your client and what he wants to solve it with you, see here:".
  • "Bad competition is also good, because it brings you the best customers. That's the way it is".
  • "For those who know that free cheese is only in mousetraps:".
  • "What I have to tell you is so important that I don't have time for formalities.".
  • "Let them stop and look at you. Let them look at you and stand".
  • "We all do marketing without knowing that we are doing marketing".
  • "Well, do with this information what you want".

At ORIGENWe don't just make beautiful websites. We make websites that sell. If you want a web design that makes customers come knocking at your door, click here ;).

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